The Jonas Brothers Live: Secret Lost Concert Footage

{{AN|This pasta is based on a dream I had when I was around 5 years old.}}
Back in the days of 2008 and '09, I was a huge fan of the Jonas Brothers, and collected all of their songs in albums. But, according to the record manager, he said that he got sent a secret lost footage from the producer that he didn't want to show in public except for me, and the video was 100% real.
During the live concert when they were about to sing a song which I don't remember the name of, one of the band members vomited on stage (I think it was Nick Jonas), and the video blacked out.
That footage made me laugh and cry at the same time, but the manager told me to not show the footage or tell the details about them in public, or else he could get fired. I agreed with his statement, and still to this day, the video terrifies me. I have it in the basement, but I locked it away for many years, and the video was never seen again.